Musical Programs
and Anita put on wonderful performances! They've been playing together
for over 25 years, and when you see them in concert it shows.
Their music is excellent whether they're playing lively dance tunes,
beautiful waltzes, or singing traditional songs. They are far more than
skilled musicians, however. They genuinely connect with audiences of all
ages with their warmth and humor. They love to share this music and their
appreciation of it with others, so their concerts are entertaining and
In their unique and engaging style they sing songs, play fiddle tunes
and share stories about this rich musical heritage that belongs to all
of us.
for seniors
This music resonates deeply with many seniors. The tunes and songs are
traditional, having come from the British Isles with immigrants and passed
orally from generation to generation within families and communities.
Many songs were written in the 1920s and 30s, and reflect the popular
culture of that era.
Seniors of all ages and abilities find pleasure in listening to songs
and tunes they may have heard as children. All can participate in the
music, by dancing, tapping their feet, or using the limberjack! The limberjack
is a wooden doll with hinged arms and legs that dances on a wooden board
(with a little help!), providing a traditional rhythmical and fun accompaniment.
It's fun and easy to do, and Anita and Doug demonstrate, explain and then
help audience members join in!
Anita and Doug incorporate the history and culture of Appalachia in the
late 19th and early 20th century into their concerts,
so school programs are a natural for them. Programs include music from
Appalachia and a chance for children to learn about traditional instruments
close up and hands-on (for smaller groups). Traditional rhythm instruments
such as fiddlesticks and limberjacks are demonstrated, and in smaller
groups children can play along.
Specialized programs are available as well, such as the Civil War Through
Music and Appalachia Through Music. Upon request, they are available to
assist teachers and media specialists in coordinating their programs across
the curriculum. The combination of music, history and folklore reaches
children with various learning styles and provides a rich and memorable
learning experience.
Anita's undergraduate degree is in history, while Doug's is in social
sciences, and each has a graduate library degree. Anita's experience in
a school library and as a teacher of traditional fiddling meshes well
with Doug's experience as a camp counselor, campfire song leader and actor.